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Android and iOS - Another Battle by the End of 2014

iPhone or Android, this has become the hottest topic in the world in recent years. Since the new launched of iPhone 6 and various of Samsung Phones, Xiaomi Phones and Huawei phones, this battle has been more complicated and makes our clients in Africa or Middle East hard to choose. Now please read below article and see why you should buy an Android Phone other than an iOS phone.


Android phones sync better with Google services like Gmail, Google Maps, and Google Calendar. You also get the best features from those services before iPhone users.

Many Android phones let you replace the battery. That's good because batteries degrade over time.

A lot of Android phones let you add an SD card for extra storage.

Android phones let you install launchers, which are apps that let you customize the way your home screen works.

They charge up with a standard USB cable, which are much more common than Apple's Lightning plug.

You have a lot more hardware options when you choose Android. Everything from 6-inch screens to curved displays.

Business Insider

You can also get a high-end Android phone for half the price of an iPhone, like this $350 OnePlus One.

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